Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Mysterious Silhouette

Teacher: Lauren Serowik

Grade level: 5th grade

Title: The Mysterious Silhouette

Brief History:

A traditional, black silhouette, is of an object or scene consisting of an outline and featureless interior. The silhouette was originally invented in the 18th century to create portraits or pictorial representation cut from a black card.


9.1.5. A. Create an image using color and movement. 9.1.5.C Use vocabulary like color scheme, movement, cool colors, warm colors etc. 9.2.5.A. Explain the cultural significance of a silhouette.


To create a mysterious portrait silhouette using various shapes with 2 colors of construction paper.


1. Students will gain a brief knowledge of what a silhouette represents.

2. Students will explore color.

3. Students will learn to use imagery that conveys mystery.

4. Students will understand the meaning of positive and negative space.

5. Students will improve fine motor skills through cutting.


1. Colored construction paper

2. Glue

3. Scissors or exacto knife

Resources/ Visual Aids:

1. Imagery of silhouettes dating back to the 18th century to modern times.

2. Imagery of other artists that created paper cut outs such as Matisse.

Teacher Preparation:

1. Teacher will supply all materials.

2. Teacher will go over the meaning of a silhouette.

3. Teacher will supply each table with scissors, glue and construction paper.

Introduction to Lesson:

The teacher will welcome the class. The teacher will show different examples of silhouettes. The teacher will discuss why people create silhouettes. The teacher will go over complimentary, cool and warm colors used to create mood. Finally the teacher will announce that the class will be making a mysterious silhouette.


1. The teacher will first set up tables with appropriate supplies for the project.

2. Teacher will then discuss the meaning and history of silhouette.

3. Students will sketch the design of their silhouette.

4. Students will redraw the images on the construction paper and cut out the various shapes.

5. Students will then paste their shapes on another piece of colored construction paper.

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